Rooted in Mexico
A Legacy of excellence

Established in 1923, the story of Pura Vida Tequila begins in the highlands of Arandas, Mexico, renowned for producing the finest Blue Weber Agave. The Vivanco family, skilled agaveros, dedicated their lives to cultivating these fields, earning a reputation for exceptional tequila characterized by rich flavor and high sugar content.

From these revered Los Altos fields, the fourth generation of Vivanco agaveros crafted the first expression of Pura Vida Tequila, a testament to their expertise and passion.

Today, under the stewardship of JP Bryan, one of the very first investors in the original creation of Pura Vida, the company is focused on returning to its original prowess and esteemed position in the history of premium tequilas. JP, also the owner of the Gage Hotel in Marathon, Texas, understands attention to detail, preservation of history, and maintaining core values.

As Pura Vida embarks on a new chapter- while embracing modernity, Bryan remains committed to the original formulas and traditional processes that define Pura Vida’s organic and authentic flavor profiles. His dedication ensures that Pura Vida continues to embody the spirit of "El Primero" – the first and foremost in tequila excellence.

to the good life!
To the pure life!
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